Windsurf rental

Windsurf rental Rigg & board Rig or board * Wetsuit, trapez, shoes Insurance (SB* 30 €)
1 Hour € 33,00 € 22,00 € 9,00 € 2,00
2 Hours € 50,00 € 39,00 € 9,00 € 3,00
4 Hours € 61,00 € 44,00 € 13,00 € 4,00
1 Day € 66,00 € 50,00 € 16,00 € 6,00
2 Days € 115,00 € 85,00 € 20,00 € 10,00
3 Days € 160,00 € 110,00 € 26,00 € 14,00
1 Week € 308,00 € 215,00 € 49,00 € 29,00
2 Weeks € 462,00 € 330,00 € 70,00 € 50,00
10 Hours € 264,00 € 187,00 - € 20,00

The equipment available is the latest RRD boards and riggs

Buoyancy aid is included in the rental price; a valid ID is required as deposit for the rental. Rental gear must be returned by 17:30. Clients are responsible for every damage to the rented gear. The cost of repair will be charged if not insured. Ask for our insurance policy.

Hydrofoil Windsurfing Rental Board & Rigg Hydrofoil RRD only board + Hydrofoil RRD insurance / SB* € 60
1 Hour € 49,00 € 45,00 € 4,00
2 Hours € 59,00 € 54,00 € 6,00
4 Hours € 89,00 € 79,00 € 8,00
SB* participation in the event of damage 60 Euro

Wing Foil Board and Wing Only Wing only Board + foil RRD insurance / SB* € 60
1 Hour € 55,00 € 30,00 € 50,00 € 4,00
2 Hours € 75,00 € 40,00 € 65,00 € 6,00
4 Hours € 98,00 € 49,00 € 87,00 € 8,00
SB* participation in the event of damage 60 Euro

Wing Surf Board & Wing
1 Hour € 39,00
2 Hours € 59,00
4 Hours € 69,00
SB* participation in the event of damage 60 Euro

( Standup Paddling )
1 Hour € 17,00
2 Hours € 28,00
4 Hours € 50,00
1 Day (8 Hours) € 60,00
Storage Price
Secured storage of boards and rigged sails available BEACH CABINS rentals available; store extra sails, booms, wetsuits

1 Day € 17,00
1 Week € 77,00
2 Weeks € 129,00
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